Tired or stressed after the holiday festivities? Don’t forget to take care of your vein health, heart health, and overall wellness during this busy time of year. Colder weather, shorter days, and holiday get-togethers can all add to stress and the deterioration of one’s health. And no one likes to get sick. Beyond simply bundling up here are some easy pre-holiday and post-holiday stress relief tips to help maintain healthy habits this winter and onwards.
Maintain good sleep habits. Sleep is an important part of full-body health and wellness. Therefore, before you kick off the winter season, make sure you are getting enough sleep. Wintertime not only brings colder weather but it also is supposed to be the season of rest. It is important to remember to take the time for either some meditation or daily relaxation. Even if you have a busy winter schedule. According to many experts, the general consensus is that 7-9 hours of sleep every night is essential to one’s health. If you find that you are not getting enough sleep, try to change up your lifestyle in small ways such as cutting back on coffee or caffeinated beverages, stopping late-night binge-watching, trying to take a short nap in the daytime, or even selecting a day to sleep in late. Getting more sleep has many benefits including helping you feel less stressed before and after the holiday season, helping lower high blood pressure, and helping to reduce pain from varicose veins and spider veins.
Along with getting sleep, don’t forget to also get some sun. Though the winter season brings shorter days, it is still important to spend some time outside in the daylight. Not only is sunlight an important imparter of Vitamin D, but it also is an important aspect of the circadian rhythm. Sunlight exposure helps regulate your internal body clock, also known as circadian rhythm, and affects one’s sleep habits. Getting some type of daily exercise is an important part of self-care, vein health, and overall wellness. So make getting outdoors and enjoying the daylight a part of your routine or even a fun winter outing.
Keep up good skin health. Cold winter weather can sap the moisture of your skin, leaving it dry, flaky, or cracked, and can even lead to more skin issues in the future. Skin is the largest organ of a human’s body and it can even show early warning signs of symptoms of other health conditions. The cold can also cause veins to constrict which can lead to aches and other varicose vein symptoms, so remember to bundle up and keep warm this winter. It is important to remember to wear sunscreen even in the winter, to stay hydrated and drink enough water, use ointments to keep your skin moisturized, and healthy through the wintertime.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet. All those holiday festivities also brought more delicious holiday foods, drinks, and goodies. Remember not to lax too much when eating or drinking, and choose some fruits and veggies as well. Keep up your motivation for balanced healthy foods by remembering that it also helps keep your immune system running well and helps protect you from varicose vein pain or other symptoms, and cold-weather illnesses. For some more pre and post holiday health relief suggestions read our Holiday Vein Treatments blog.
The winter season doesn’t have to be stressful. Above all else, remember to give yourself adequate time to rest, enjoy some festivities, and treat yourself well every day. Following the holiday stress relief tips above, listening to your body, and getting treatments for health issues are truly the gifts that keep on giving. Visit the San Diego Varicose Vein Treatment Center for peace of mind from our center’s comprehensive care and minimally invasive vein treatment. Contact us for more information and schedule a winter vein treatment consultation with us today.