Innovative and Safe Laser Therapy for Facelift and Facial Rejuvenation Treatment!
Face-lifting and Facial Rejuvenation Facts
Here are a few interesting facts about facelifts and facial rejuvenation. The technical term for a facelift is Rhytidectomy and it would typically focus on targeting the skin on the middle to lower part of the face. Facial rejuvenation procedures can also include peels, fillers, and skin resurfacing treatments. Both facial rejuvenation and facelifts are popular with people ages 40 and above. Also, both types of cosmetic procedures originally required invasive surgery, chemical fillers, and recovery time for post-op healing. According to data released in the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Statistics, “…facelifts increased 54% since 2020…Surgical procedures increased 54% and non-surgical procedures were up 44%…”. With the addition of newer technology and safer therapies (such as Aesthetic Laser treatments), the popularity of facelifts and facial rejuvenation is projected to continue to grow.
Fotona4D®Men Laser Treatment
The San Diego Varicose Vein Treatment Center offers Fotona4D®Men! A new laser procedure specially designed for male skin uses a 4-step laser wavelength therapy to safely administer thermal heat to the hairier and thicker skin of a male patient. Fotona4D®Men has shown effective and immediate results for male patients looking for tighter, fresher, healthy, and more natural-looking skin without harmful side effects. Visit our Non-invasive Laser Facelift and Facial Rejuvenation page for more detailed information.
Fotona4D® Laser Treatment
Fotona4D® laser therapy is a safe anti-aging procedure that uses Fotona’s laser technology to tighten and volumize facial skin without invasive surgery, fillers, chemicals, or anesthesia. The innovative dual-wavelength lasers allow Fotona4D® to produce youthful and healthy-looking skin with little to no downtime. Learn more about the Fotona aesthetic laser services our center provides on our Aesthetic Laser Therapy page.
Schedule Fotona4D® Laser Treatment Services
The San Diego Varicose Vein Treatment Center is always working hard to provide our clients with high-quality, FDA-approved, comprehensive, and personalized treatments. Fotona’s revolutionary Fotona4D® and Fotona4D®Men laser treatments are a safer choice for natural-looking, tightened, and improved skin complexion, and facial anti-aging results. Contact us to schedule a consultation or to learn more information about these laser therapy procedures.